Neocodion® is a codeine antitussive preparation used for more than 50 years to treat irritating dry cough and broncho-pulmonary affections. Different formulations have been developped (drops, coated tablets, suppositories), all containing the opioid codeine which has the effect of reducing cough by acting directly on the cough center in the bottom-most part of the brain (the medulla oblongata where the brain connects with the spinal cord). Codeine exhibits useful pain relieving effects. But the over-use of codeine-containing drugs like Neocodion® can cause significant side-effects, including tolerance and psychological dependence. Unfortunately, this cough/cold medication has been reportedly diverted and misused by young people. Like other codeine-based cough medicines, Neocodion has been misused as a narcotic agent for toxicomanic use. The opioid overdose crisis remains a major health issue today. Codeine abuse and addiction can lead to overdose and death (more than 80,000 Americans died of an opioid overdose in 2021). In France, the diverted consumption of Neocodion has been significantly reduced in the years 2000-10s but the concern remains. Neocodion also contains codethyline, better known as ethylmorphine, a derivative of morphine which has analgesic properties but also at risk of abuse or dependence. Neocodion® remains available today to treat acute cough associated with upper airway infections.